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Climate change

Climate change mitigation, resilience, and adaptation

Climate change mitigation is one of our 12 priority Impact topics at Navitas. We want to actively understand, manage, and build resilience for climate change impacts, risks to our business, and more importantly, to the future of our communities. This includes understanding our contribution to climate change, contributing to emissions reduction activities and reducing our impact, alongside our key partners.

Our FY23 emissions in metric tons


Scope 1 emissions


Scope 2 emissions


Scope 3 emissions


International student travel

Reporting our carbon emissions

Our Climate Action Working Group was set up in early 2023 and had representation from all our divisions. It has primarily focused on supporting the carbon emissions reporting work across our global colleges, campuses, and offices.

Being able to report on our carbon emissions is a significant step forward and it allows us to start the harder work of decarbonisation and risk mitigation. In FY23, we established a baseline emissions report for our carbon emissions in FY22.

Our action

The next steps in our journey include getting our emissions process assured, setting our decarbonisation targets, identifying and developing a management plan for climate risks, their impacts (both actual and potential), opportunities, conducting our environmental scenario analysis, and establishing a climate action plan.

We have initiated work on improving our agent emissions reporting and developing our Climate risks and strategy this year.

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