The PIEoneer Awards – La Trobe College Australia nominated for an award!
La Trobe College Australia has been nominated as a finalist in the PIEoneer Awards for Language Training Provider of the Year!

La Trobe College Australia has a long-standing reputation for offering pathway programs and English courses for students of all abilities. The college has been recognised for its innovative and industry-leading initiatives, including the following:
LTX or “La Trobe Experience”
The bespoke language and La Trobe University Experience program is a preeminent “language plus” program encompassing tours, accommodations, language training, and only-at-La Trobe experiences.
Student Journeys PD
Think Biggs and Tang’s (2011) “levels of thinking about teaching” in action. Putting the students front and centre of their learning experience informs what the college does in and out of the classroom.
The Teacher’s Development Framework
Inspired by Maha ElSherif’s “TIDP” (2017). It is a re-visioning of traditional PDR (performance development review) processes focusing on the work of teachers/teaching through the college’s unique “four pillars” lens.
“We’re lucky at LTCA (La Trobe College Australia) to have an ELICOS team which is incredibly innovative and dynamic. Our team is always looking for ways to improve the student experience, whether by ensuring world-class professional development for our educators or by turbo-charging the traditional study tour concept,” said Struan Robertson, La Trobe College Australia Director and Principal.